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What Are the Dangers of Groundskeeping and Landscaping?

Groundskeeping and landscaping maintain the beauty and functionality of outdoor spaces in residential yards, commercial properties, or public parks. However, the workers who accomplish these tasks face hazards every day. They operate dangerous machinery, are exposed to harmful chemicals, and face other risks that can cause serious injuries or illnesses that negatively impact their lives. Landscaping often involves using heavy machinery and power tools to mow lawns, trim hedges, and remove debris. Common safety hazards associated with landscaping equipment include:[…] Read More

Why Are Machine Guards Important?

Numerous heavy machinery are used at an industrial or construction work site. The machinery may have sharp pieces or an active motor that workers should never touch. These pieces of machinery can and should have guards that keep you from coming into contact with whatever may hurt you. If you have been injured on the job, you would usually file a workers’ compensation claim. Cases involving machine guards could potentially lead to a personal injury lawsuit. Types of Machine Guards[…] Read More

Safety Tips for Carpenters

Carpentry is a skilled career that requires precision, expertise, and a keen eye for detail.  However, while creating beautiful and functional structures, carpenters work with tools and materials that put them at risk for injury.  Prioritizing safety is essential in the carpentry profession to ensure the quality of work and the well-being of the carpenter. Some of the most common threats a carpenter faces daily include working with sharp tools and heavy equipment, as well as asbestos and other chemicals[…] Read More

What Are Safety Tips for Automotive Tow Workers?

Tow truck drivers are crucial to everyday life and keep our roads safe and free from obstructions.  Their jobs are hazardous, especially since they operate in challenging conditions, such as heavy traffic, terrible weather, or tight confines.  Because they are essential to our roadways, everyday drivers and tow truck operators must work together to ensure the safety of one another. To understand how to practice safe habits while driving near a tow truck or a driver operating their tow truck,[…] Read More

What Are Safety Tips for Rooftop Work?

Falls are the leading cause of fatalities in the construction industry and according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than a third of all fall deaths are falls from roofs. Roofers also face additional hazards such as electrical lines, power tools, weather conditions, and repetitive motion injuries. To stay safe while working or repairing roofs, workers should keep the following in mind: Eliminate fall hazards: Use a high-quality, sturdy, and reliable ladder. Ladders should be clean, dry,[…] Read More

Safety Tips for Oil and Gas Workers

The oil and gas industries help to keep this nation running, but the workers face significant risks to their health and well-being. They can be more likely to get injured on the job than employees in other industries, and can face significant injuries that change their lives forever. Here are the main risks and some basic safety tips that can keep oil and gas workers safer. What Risks Do Oil and Gas Workers Face? One of the main hazards that[…] Read More

What are Safety Tips for Working in the Rain?

Many workers have no choice about what kind of weather they endure while working. Some have jobs that require outdoor work 100 percent of the time. Many also must contend with inclement weather for relatively short periods while going through their respective work days. Rainy weather is common, but can create many types of dangerous working conditions. Workers’ compensation helps to protect workers against the costs of injuries or illnesses suffered due to working in the rain. Fortunately, some timely[…] Read More

What Are the Top 10 Workplace Safety Issues?

Throughout the year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) maintains a database of all reported workplace safety violations across the country. These violations occur not just at manufacturing plants or construction sites but at all places of employment that are required to offer Workers’ Compensation benefits to their employees. OSHA most recently compiled and named the top 10 hazards and safety issues of 2021. Even if you work in an office setting, you will want to take measures to[…] Read More

What Are Electrical Hazards for a Lineman?

Electricity and telecommunications are among the many defining features of an advanced society and first-world nation. Those systems mostly rely on connected wires that are bundled into lines to deliver the electrical current or communications signals throughout the nation. Like virtually all other manmade things, the lines require routine maintenance and repairs. A lineman does the work and is a highly trained and qualified professional who has the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to maintain and repair lines. A lineman’s[…] Read More

Construction Workers Exposed to Toxic Chemicals

Construction workers suffer more work-related injuries than workers in any other industry. Most people understand the general dangers that construction workers face, such as potentially dangerous tools and falling from elevated platforms. Toxic chemicals and other substances pose a more overlooked danger that is just as dangerous and potentially deadly as any other that construction workers face. Despite generally being overlooked, toxic substances are a leading cause of injuries and deaths among construction workers. Commonly Encountered Toxic Substances Construction workers[…] Read More