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What Is Malingering?

The word “malingering” is highly contested in legal and medical contexts. It refers to the deliberate faking or exaggeration of symptoms or impairments for secondary gains. We often encounter it in our cases, raising questions about the legitimacy of injuries and claimants’ credibility. Below, we explain malingering and how it can affect workers’ compensation. Malingering can manifest in various forms, including exaggerated claims or physical pain, cognitive impairments, or psychological distress. Unlike genuine medical conditions arising from organic causes, malingering[…] Read More

Can Pregnancy Affect My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Pennsylvania employees injured are typically eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. When their claims are approved, employees can receive payments for medical costs associated with the injury, plus wage loss replacement and other kinds of compensation. What happens if the claimant is expecting a child, however? Employers cannot deny, limit, or reduce workers’ compensation claims solely based on an employee’s pregnancy; you likely know that this is a form of discrimination. There are federal laws that prohibit companies from denying these[…] Read More

Can Restaurant Workers Collect Workers’ Compensation?

When someone says they are in a dangerous line of work, you might think they are employed by construction or mining companies. Restaurant work can also be hazardous, even though it might not appear that way, and the conditions can lead to severe workplace injuries. Common work injuries among restaurant workers include: Burns: High heat from stoves, ovens, and fryers poses burn risks for workers. Besides that, food preparers and servers can get burned when handling hot cookware, food, and[…] Read More

Are Occupational Lung Diseases Covered Under Workers’ Compensation?

You could suffer countless injuries in the workplace.  Occupational diseases are a type of work injury or illness caused by exposure to certain hazardous or toxic materials specific to your work. The respiratory system is one of the body’s most critical and susceptible to occupational injury.  Getting an occupational lung disease covered under workers’ compensation benefits may be difficult, but hiring the help of an attorney greatly increases your chances for coverage. Some work injuries, such as a broken foot or[…] Read More

How Long Can I Stay on Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania?

Receiving workers’ compensation benefits is essential to your daily life when you suffer an injury while performing work-related duties. However, it can be confusing, leaving you with many questions, such as wondering how long you can stay on workers’ compensation. Pennsylvania has the Workers’ Compensation Act detailing what benefits an injured worker receives and how long.  When you are injured while performing work-related duties, you can receive medical benefits and wage loss benefits. A doctor will evaluate your injury or[…] Read More

Can Seasonal Employees Collect Workers’ Compensation?

Seasonal employees are vital to the operations of many businesses, but they are afforded different benefits than a full-time workers. Even though seasonal employees work fewer hours, they are not entirely immune to injury. Seasonal employees may be more susceptible to injury because they need more experience and training. So, it is fair to wonder if a seasonal employee is covered under workers’ compensation benefits like full-time employees. In Pennsylvania, almost all employees are covered under workers’ compensation benefits, including part-time,[…] Read More

Can I Choose My Own Treatment Plan After a Workplace Accident?

After a workplace accident, the injured worker must be seen by a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment plan. It is important to note that in Pennsylvania, you must see an employer-approved doctor within the first 90 days of treatment. The employer must also establish a list of at least six designated health care providers for the employee, and the employee is required to visit one of them or another designated physician. The employee must continue to[…] Read More

Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the passageway that surrounds the median nerve that provides sensation to the hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a compensable injury if you can show your condition is directly related to your workplace. Your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company may try to deny your claim by saying your injury originated somewhere else, such as a sport you play regularly outside of work. Contact an experienced lawyer right away if your[…] Read More

Teachers and Workers’ Compensation

Like employees working outside of education, teachers usually are covered by workers’ compensation insurance that is purchased by their respective employers. Those employers usually are school districts or private schools, and they are subject to state requirements to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Whether you teach for a public school district or a private school, Pennsylvania law says your employer must provide you with workers’ compensation protection. If you suffer any kind of work-related injury or illness while teaching, the insurance[…] Read More

What Should Workers Know About Job Site Holes?

On job sites, there are many hazards. Many of these hazards can be dealt with, but accidents do occur. One of the biggest hazards on job sites are holes, which can lead to many injuries from falls. When workers have fallen and sustain various injuries because of onsite working conditions, an experienced lawyer can work with victims to aid them in getting Workers’ Compensation. The lawyer can ensure victims know their rights, have the representation they need, and work to[…] Read More