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Injuries and Hazards that Health Care Workers Face

Health care workers go into the field to help the injured and sick, but they often experience injuries and burnouts in the workplace. You must be aware of these problems if you work in the health care industry or manage health care professionals. Use the tips below to help prevent work injuries and to educate your staff. You must also review your workers’ compensation benefits so that you may receive coverage when it is needed. Injuries Among Health Care Workers[…] Read More

Mold and the Workplace

In general, we are still learning about the effects of mold in indoor areas and how it impacts air quality. Employees may suspect that air quality has a physical effect on their breathing and how they feel while at work. Mold can lead to dangerous work-related illnesses, victims may be eligible for workers’ compensation. Currently, there are no federal standards regarding the presence of mold in workplaces. Mold can form anywhere, but the key to controlling mold is to understand[…] Read More

Heart Health at Work

In the United States, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death. This is likely due to citizens having high amounts of stress, unhealthy diets, and little exercise. CVD is an epidemic in the United States; therefore, employers and their workers should aim to build healthy habits while at work. People often spend much of their day at work. During this large sum of time, employers have an opportunity to promote a healthier lifestyle. February is American[…] Read More

COPD and Workers’ Compensation

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a term used to describe a host of lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, some forms of asthma, and emphysema. COPD is most often caused by smoking and inhalation of environmental hazards or air pollution. When COPD is caused by exposure to toxic chemicals and fumes in the workplace, workers’ compensation benefits can provide coverage for lost wages, medical treatments, and prescription medications. Professions At-Risk for COPD There are a wide variety of industries that[…] Read More